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Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Additional Resources of Angles

I don't too realy like learn about angles, but if you attracted by the topic about angles, lucifer, this is some e-book in english

Exile of Lucifer (Chronicles of the Host, Book 1) <-- download, in english Lucifer, the Anointed Cherub, whose ministry in heaven is devoted to the worship of the Most High God, has become pessimistic about his prospects in heaven. Ambition inflamed, he looks to the soon-to-be-created Earth as a place where he can see his destiny realized. With a willing crew of equally ambitious angels, Lucifer creates a fifth-column of malcontents under the very throne of God. Hot on their heels, however, is a group of loyalists, led by Michael and Gabriel, who are suspicious of Lucifer's true motives. In detective style fashion they slowly start to unmask the true nature of Lucifer's sordid plot. Chronicles of the Host is a fantastic novel of the beginning of all things. Follow Lucifer's deceptive plans to rule over Earth and his inevitable fall from grace. Lucifer, Kerub Diurapi, yang pelayanan di surga dikhususkan untuk menyembah Allah Yang Maha Tinggi, telah menjadi pesimis tentang prospek di surga. Ambisi meradang, ia melihat ke bumi segera-to-be-dibuat sebagai tempat di mana ia dapat melihat takdirnya menyadari. Dengan kru bersedia malaikat sama-sama ambisius, Lucifer membuat kolom-kelima dari malcontents bawah tahta Allah sendiri. Panas di tumit mereka, bagaimanapun, adalah kelompok loyalis, yang dipimpin oleh Michael dan Gabriel, yang curiga terhadap motif sejati Lucifer. Dalam fashion detektif gaya mereka perlahan-lahan mulai membuka kedok hakikat sebenarnya dari plot kotor Lucifer.

Chronicles of Host adalah sebuah novel fantastis dari awal dari segala sesuatu. Ikuti rencana menipu Lucifer untuk berkuasa atas Bumi dan jatuh tak terelakkan dari rahmat.

Unholy Empire (Chronicles of the Host, Book 2)
<-- download it! in english.

The prophetic clock is ticking. Lucifer and his army of 'imps' search frantically for the prophetic "Seed of the woman". The memory of God's promise that this seed would rise up and crush the serpent's head stirs them to shadowy demonic activity.

Unholy Empire chronicles the duel between God and the fallen angels as both focus their attention on the Seed. The devils watch for any and every sign of the Seed in an all out effort to stop, delay, compromise, or otherwise destroy this impending prophetic nightmare. If they fail they are all doomed.

The second book in the "Chronicles of the Host Series", Unholy Empire uncovers the major themes covering the Seed and the people of covenant as well as Lucifer's all-out war against them. It sheds new light on dramatic encounters between Cain and Abel, Moses and Pharaoh, David and Goliath, and others.

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